Cenon Dinno Ebora III

I am an IT professional with over 18 years of experience in leading digital transformation projects for various organizations. I am passionate about helping businesses leverage the power of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and data analytics to improve their efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. I have successfully implemented solutions that have reduced costs, increased revenues, and enhanced innovation. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and expertise with others through speaking engagements, workshops, and online platforms. I am always eager to learn new skills and technologies that can help me deliver better results for my clients.

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Bio | Education | Work | Skills | Awards | Certs | Hobbies

  • Microsoft – Sub CSU Awardee (Microsoft Q3 2021 FY21)
  • Microsoft – APAC Accelerate Award Winners ( Microsoft FY20)
  • RCG – Employee of the month (Aug 2017)
  • TDP – Employee of the month
  • High School – 4th honors